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Sean's PS4 Platinum Trophy Journey

First of all welcome to our blog section, we are hoping to use this area to do game reviews, blogs about our interests (gaming, technology, movies etc.) and also in my case my journey to get platinum trophies.

In this first blog i wish to start my platinum trophy journey with everyone. I plan to share my progress once a week and try my best to show you guys what games i feel are the best to get trophies on. Obviously, this is subjective as it's just my opinion so feel free to disagree. Along the way i hope i can share with you some tips and tricks of mine in the hope i can help you get some Platinum trophies.

So why am I a trophy hunter?

  • The challenge - Some of these trophies are tough and i love a good challenge to prove myself

  • Completionist - I love completing my favourite games to 100% as it allows me to explore as much of its content as possible. This usually results in me getting most of the trophies anyway.

  • Rivalry - Me and a close friend currently have rivalry on who can gain the most trophies. For months i was winning but now he is on 29 whilst i remain on 24.

  • Fun - The most important reason to play any video game is to have fun in my opinion. One such way of having fun is for me getting trophies as they provide me with a sense of achievement and i get a 'buzz' from getting the platinum I've worked so hard for.

The journey so far:

Currently as stated i am on 24 trophies with the most recent of which being Batman (Telltale), I also have two 1000G games on my Xbox 360 account: Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas (actually its higher than that due to the DLCs). It was obtaining those two 1000G achievements which started my desire to fully complete as many of my favourite games as possible whilst getting all the trophies (by this point i owned a PS4). My proudest platinum to date is GTA V as I know this trophy took me a fair while and contained both story mode and online elements plus hasn't been obtained by that many people.

Only two games spring to mind in which i tried to obtain a platinum but gave in. The first of which was Saints Row Gat Out of Hell as after millions of attempts i could never get the 'Let's Bounce' trophy. This trophy was based on luck and skill as you have to hit 5 vehicles in a row without touching the ground in Tornment Fraud. The second game to have made me 'rage quit' in my platinum journey is Deadpool as the final boss fight on ultra-violent difficult caused me to throw my TV remote at the wall, breaking it. After finally beating the boss I vowed never to play that game again, though it still haunts me in my dreams due to seeing frequent reminders online of how allegedly easy that boss fight is.

I have came close to also getting platinums on both FIFA 14 and Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments. Regarding FIFA i only gave in the pursuit due to the following year's game coming out. Whilst in Sherlock Holmes I could not be bothered to replay the games for the remaining trophies as I felt it had little replay factor. I count neither of these games as my giving in as such because I could go back and get the remaining trophies if i can ever muster the enthusiasm.

What's next?

Sims 4 - As i have regularly stated in my Sims 4 Blackwidow series i am currently trying to get a platinum on Sims 4. I plan to keep doing regular blogs and series of Sims 4 to show how i get the most challenging trophies the game has to offer such as the fabled 26 generation family. My progress in Sims 4 will featured in my next blog which will attach videos of my Sims series to highlight what trophies i get in each episode and what my future plans are.

L.A Noire - I was lucky to receive this game for Christmas and i am currently around 75% of the way through the game (I am on the Vice desk). I have decided not to live stream or upload any videos of my play through as i do not want to feel rushed to complete such a masterpiece. However, that being said I still may create a blog post on what i feel are the games most challenging trophies.

Fallout 3 (Playstation Now) - As any of our fans know, the Fallout series is my all time favourite game series. Whilst Fallout: New Vegas is in my opinion the better game i still feel Fallout 3 is a real gem and certainly makes my top 10 list of favourite games. Having already gone all the achievements for this game and NV on the Xbox 360 i plan to do the same on the PS4 via Playstation Now (which contains all the DLCs). Currently this has been problematic due to my poor uni internet connection. But i hope when i am on my summer break i will be able to start on Fallout 3 platinum journey. I know this will be no easy task due to the platinum requiring all trophies on the DLCs to also be unlocked but i feel up to the challenge once again. So look out for a Let's play series of Fallout 3 live streams this summer along with regular blog posts then.

Bully - Currently I am half way through Bully having started it before our YouTube channel was created. Having played Bully before on the Xbox 360 I feel this is an achievable platinum yet nevertheless some of its trophies are far from easy (Dual Nebula i am looking at you here!)

Ghost Recon: Wildlands - I am going to be honest this game underwhelmed me as do most Ubisoft games due to their repetitive nature. The game held so much promise when I saw the trailer but i feel that too much of its content feels copy and pasted. I still plan to get the platinum as the game is still fun despite being tedious so expect to see some live streams and occasional blog posts.

Summary - So i have explained why I consider myself as a trophy hunter whilst also highlighting the games i am either currently trying to get a platinum on or soon plan to. Also, the two banes of my gaming life (Deadpool and Saints Row) have been discussed to show that sometimes the challenge is too much!

I hope you enjoy this blog series as much as i will enjoy playing the games to create it. I would really love it if people could comment their proudest gaming moment(s) as well as what sort of gamer they consider themselves to be. Happy gaming :)

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